Showing posts with label Down. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Down. Show all posts

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Standing Up ( Lisa Hecmanczuk )

You try to keep me down;
But I stand up,
You try to ignore me;
But I achieve
You pretend I’m not here;
But I breathe
You look at me with disgust;
Yet I smile
You invade my space;
Now I claim it,
You startle me with your anger;
Now I accept it,
Your anger you must now own;
I walk away
My fear no longer rules me;
God does
I will no longer be shut away;
I am myself,

I will let myself shine;
And God will lead me.


( Lisa Hecmanczuk )

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Autumn ( Koyel Mitra )

Soft sun rays trickle down purple skies,
Comes autumn in a new guise.
Colorful leaves fall,
Large and small.

As Nature spreads her yellow carpet,
Coats with shades from her palette.
Colorful leaves fall,
Large and small.

She declares the advent of winter,
Chilly days and nights after.
Colorful leaves fall,
Large and small.


( Koyel Mitra )