Showing posts with label Heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heart. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

You Took My Heart ( Ilona Hesse )

You took my heart
And locked it in a cage,
You got rid if the key;
Simply turned the book's page.

I haven't seen my heart,
But I still feel its beat,
And the thought of loving you,
Makes my poor soul weak.

Looking at your picture;
Framed by my hands.
Not sure what to do,
Not sure of my plans.

Am thinking of you,
And my heart you took.
Please take care of it,
Give it a second look.

It's very breakable,
So keep it by your side,
Because I might need it again
At some point of my life.


( Ilona Hesse )

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Love isn't Fair ( Lacy Marie Gibbs )

My heart is aching,
 My eyes are burning,
 My mind is racing,
 Yet my body is still yearning.

 Me here and you there,
 Just wishing you were near,
 My doubt creeping up,
 Me thinking i m not good enough.

 My fear of loneliness,
 It's always there,
 So now i must confess,
 I just don't think love is fair.


( Lacy Marie Gibbs )

Monday, August 24, 2015

As an Unperfect Actor on the Stage ( SHAKESPEARE )

As an unperfect actor on the stage,
 Who with his fear is put besides his part,
 Or some fierce thing replete with too much rage,
 Whose strength’s abundance weakens his own heart;
 So I, for fear of trust, forget to say
 The perfect ceremony of love’s rite,
 And in mine own love’s strength seem to decay,
 O’ercharged with burden of mine own love’s might.
 O let my books be then the eloquence
 And dumb presagers of my speaking breast,
 Who plead for love and look for recompense
 More than that tongue that more hath more expressed.
     O, learn to read what silent love hath writ:
     To hear with eyes belongs to love’s fine wit. 



Thursday, August 13, 2015

True Friends ( Aditi Das Bhowmik )

An angel in earthly disguise,
Knits you in a close relation,
Finds you, when you are lost,
Accompanies you, with your loneliest thoughts,
Refines you with a soft brush,
Shields you from your foes,
Encourages you for every win,
Fights forth through thick and thin,
Up he brings the best in you,
Joy he shares, with grief too,
Patiently listens to your deepest words,
Sings your song, which was long unheard,
Believes you, when the world stares with distrust,
Knows you through, but still loves,
Treasures are they, most precious and rare,
Stands by you at times bad and fair,
Cheers in your success,
Empathizes with your loss,
Their only motive,
Is to inspire you up,
While sailing in ocean of life, 
Sometimes smooth, sometimes rough,
In the present world,
With people wearing fancy masks,
To find true friends is a difficult task,
But if you have any, be one or more,
Hold them fast, to your heart’s core. 


_ Aditi Das Bhowmik _