I regard the pink-orange sky as remnants of the sunset melt into the blackness of night
Crickets chirping in different rhythms and frequencies
The cool air caresses my ankles and chills my bare arms
I hasten my step around the track
Leaves on the trees reach out as if to grasp the last of summer
I leave the park and head home, the crickets chirp quieting
I see the big full moon glowing ahead, beckoning
The last weekend of summer fading away
The air is cooler; some leaves are crisp beneath my feet
I hurry home, memories of summer nights long ago, the race to get home before dark
The street lights are glowing orange as the darkness creeps in
Summer is ending, fall is coming, and change is here
I discover myself, my inner-beauty, my connection to God
As the trees prepare to turn orange, red, and brown
I embrace the cool air of autumn even as I long for the summer not to end.
( Lisa Hecmanczuk )