Showing posts with label night. Show all posts
Showing posts with label night. Show all posts

Saturday, September 5, 2015


In the midst of night I lie, awake,
Unable to share what comes to my mind,
In the midst of all these thoughts You come,
With elation does ecstasy come.
You say You are always by my side,
Nearer to me than my jugular vein,
Tell me then the untold truth,
Tell me how one in heaven abides.
You say You made me in the best of moulds,
Then, reduced me to the lowest low,
You say You are the Creator Best,
That You are Unique from all the rest.
You say everything has been destined,
What for then is my daily grind,
What is this promise of heaven and hell,
Why do You speak from a hiding blind?
The perfect man You sent for us,
To save us from your Hell's abyss,
You say You are Most Merciful,
Then who stole my rest and peace?


( Emmenay )

Saturday, August 8, 2015

The Skunk ( An American Animal )

I have a little friend, who's colored black and white.
I'd introduce you to him, but he's mostly out at night.

He has a little trick, he can stamp his little feet.
he can balance on his two front legs, which really is quite neat.

he stands like that,and now, can swing his butt around.
He then will quickly lift his tail, and firmly hold his ground.

He now takes aim, and this is done in utter pure perfection.
Do not stay within his range, if he points in your direction.

A salvo of obnoxious fumes, is headed out your way.
It will remain upon your clothes, forever and a day.

If you decide to use a bus, or train to take you home.
You'll have the place all to yourself, you'll sure be left alone.

I'd like to take my little pal, to school for show and tell,
But teacher said get out of here, that critter smells like

Now if you think, what I've just said, is just a lot of bunk
I'll introduce you now, to my good friend, the skunk!


( E. George Strasser )